Eagle Scouts from Troop 12
Anna Campbell – 2022
Project: Wood Turtle Conservation

Anna led a service project for the Acton Natural Resources Division in partnership with Zoo New England to support local wood turtle habitat at Veterans Field by clearing invasive species, planting native plants, and increasing community knowledge of these turtles. She raised $850 to support the project and led 35 workers in nearly 170 hours of volunteer work.
Anna appreciated working on reptile conservation with others. She learned that by breaking the planting into several days, she could refine the process each time. Anna also learned the importance of following up on critical tasks and communications to keep the project moving.
Leah Greenberg – 2022
Project: Church Garden Program

Leah led a service project for First Parish of Concord’s religious education program, which she enjoyed going to as a child. Leah constructed multiple planter boxes for the Church – raising over $800 for supplies, researching different constructions, and drawing plans for her design. She oversaw a group of volunteers to construct the boxes, deliver soil and compost to the church, and install the planters. Leah purchased plants and led children in a fun planting day as a part of children’s’ religious services. The plants flourished over the summer, and the religious education program will use the boxes for years.
Leah took great pride in giving back to a program that she had benefited from. She learned about being flexible and modifying plans. It was a great project for her as she would like to work in education.
Katie Dallimore – 2023
Project: Boxborough Bird Boxes

As a Boxborough resident and a student passionate about the environment, Katie wanted to ensure that her project benefited her local community – both human and animals. She worked with the Boxborough Conservation Commission to build and install five nest boxes to house the American Kestrel, a local protected species. In addition, Katie designed a sign providing information about her project and the bird that has been installed at Flerra Fields, a park in Boxborough.
Katie is proud to be able to give back to her community and extends her thanks to everyone who supported her on her project and throughout her Scouting journey.
Luka Whyte – 2024
Project: Guggins Brook Bog Bridges

Luka built bog bridges in Guggins Brook Conservation Land with the help of other scouts, scouters and scout parents. Luka learned to be patient with the group while giving instructions and supervising their work, as well as how hard it was to direct adults! Luka raised over $800 for this effort and led 11 volunteers in 72 hours of work over 4 weekends.
Luka is proud to have made a frequently-flooded trail more accessible to visitors.
Lina Lawande – 2024
Project: Bulette Conservation Land Kiosk

Lina’s Eagle Project was to build and install a trail kiosk for a new subdivision of the Bulette Conservation Land, in cooperation with the Town of Acton. It took over 200 hours of planning and execution, including the hard work of 12 dedicated volunteers to complete the project. She raised more than $1000 to buy the materials needed for the project. After expenses, she donated over $350 to the Acton Conservation Trust.
Lina is proud to support Acton’s many trails and conservation lands with her kiosk. She’d like to thank all who helped her throughout her Scouting journey and especially with her Eagle Project.
Kate de Blonk – 2024
Project: Concord-Carlisle Community Closet

Kate’s Eagle Project involved setting up a community closet to serve people in need in the Concord-Carlisle community. She raised over $1,000 and led 29 volunteers in over 175 hours of sorting and organizing donated clothing so that high-quality clothing could be presented in a store-like atmosphere.
In her project, Kate applied the different leadership skills she had learned through scouting, focusing on the importance of delegation and its effectiveness by balancing the right amount of supervision and guidance. She found it rewarding to see everything come together and make an impact in the community.
Charlotte Duhamel – 2024
Project: Capernaum Place Park Restoration

Charlotte’s Eagle Scout Project improved the park space at Capernaum Place, a transitional housing unit run by Lazarus House designed to help people with financial challenges. She raised over $800 to add indoor and outdoor toys, a shed and some shrubbery. She also made large wooden picnic tables and corn hole boards with the group.
Charlotte first learned about this place while playing with the kids who lived there during an activity run by her church’s youth ministry. She decided that an outdoor community building space is just what they needed. In addition to leadership skills, Charlotte learned a lot about construction and interpreting diagrams. She would like to thank everyone who helped her, in particular those who gave guidance on the construction portion of the project.