Troops 12 and 32 camp, bike, eat fudge, canoe, hike, travel, cook, play games, earn badges, and help our community.
We enjoy the support of our charter organization, the Acton Group of Citizens, Inc.
Something For Everyone
Choose Your Adventure
Troop 1 making a canoe trip on the Saco River

Troop 1

Founded 1916


Troop 12

Founded 2019

Troop 32 Member

Troop 32

Founded 1965

Scoutmaster supervising outdoor cooking

Parents and Alums

Can't do it without you!

Take a Look at
Take a Look at
What Scouts Do
Learning archery at camp

Camp Wanocksett

Our summer camp experiences are rich with favorite traditions and new challenges. We travel to Dublin, NH each summer to spend a week at Camp Wanocksett.



Whether we go for one day or five, we eat well and have a lot of fun. You can't beat the view from the top of a mountain, or seeing a great horned owl silently swoop by against the stars.


Mountain Biking

Our members get around on wheels as well as their feet! We've biked the trails of Acton as well as Nantucket, and a few more rugged places. No experience necessary -- we're trying new things together.